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// ===========================================================================
// myDNS.h ©1999 Sustainable Softworks, All rights reserved.
// ===========================================================================
// dns protocol definitions
#ifndef _H_myDNS
#define _H_myDNS
#pragma once
// DNS header
struct dns_header_t
UInt16 queryID;
UInt16 queryParameter; // flags
UInt16 QDCount; // questions
UInt16 ANCount; // answer RRs
UInt16 NSCount; // authority RRs
UInt16 ARCount; // additional RRs
typedef struct dns_header_t dns_header_t;
// DNS resource record
struct dns_record_t
UInt16 rdType;
UInt16 rdClass;
UInt32 rdTTL;
UInt16 rdLength;
typedef struct dns_record_t dns_record_t;
// define size as a constant since the sizeof(dns_record_t)
// can vary depending on alignment.
const kdns_record_size = 10;
// dns UDP message
typedef struct DNSMessage {
UInt8 op; // operation (1=request, 2=reply)
} DNSMessage_t;
const kDNSResponseReady = 1;
// Query Types
const UInt16 kQTypeA = 1;
const UInt16 kQTypeCNAME = 5;
const UInt16 kQTypeHINFO = 13; // Host info (CPU & OS)
const UInt16 kQTypeMINFO = 14; // Mailbox Info
const UInt16 kQTypeMX = 15; // Mail Exchanger
const UInt16 kQTypeNS = 2; // Authoritative Name Server
const UInt16 kQTypePTR = 12;
const UInt16 kQTypeSOA = 6;
const UInt16 kQTypeTXT = 16;
const UInt16 kQTypeAAAA = 28; // IP6 Address
const UInt16 kQTypeAXFR = 252; // Zone Transfer
const UInt16 kQTypeALL = 255; // All Resource Records
const UInt16 kQTypePrivate = 256;
//const UInt16 kQTypeLS = kQTypePrivate + 1; // List Domains
// Query Type hash values
// Hash query types as the sum of octets in the corresponding PString.
// Hash values are used to compare the query type in a GURL string.
const UInt16 kHashA = 1 + 'A';
const UInt16 kHashCNAME = 5 + 'C' + 'N' + 'A' + 'M' + 'E';
const UInt16 kHashHINFO = 5 + 'H' + 'I' + 'N' + 'F' + 'O';
const UInt16 kHashMINFO = 5 + 'M' + 'I' + 'N' + 'F' + 'O';
const UInt16 kHashMX = 2 + 'M' + 'X';
const UInt16 kHashNS = 2 + 'N' + 'S';
const UInt16 kHashPTR = 3 + 'P' + 'T' + 'R';
const UInt16 kHashSOA = 3 + 'S' + 'O' + 'A';
const UInt16 kHashTXT = 3 + 'T' + 'X' + 'T';
const UInt16 kHashAAAA = 4 + 'A' + 'A' + 'A' + 'A';
const UInt16 kHashAXFR = 4 + 'A' + 'X' + 'F' + 'R';
const UInt16 kHashALL = 1 + ('*' & 0xDF);
const UInt16 kHashLS = 2 + 'L' + 'S';
// Query Class
const UInt16 kQClassIN = 1;
// Query Code masks
// 1 1 1 1 1 1
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
// +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
// |QR| Opcode |AA|TC|RD|RA| Z | RCODE |
// +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
const UInt16 kQueryMaskQR = 0x8000;
const UInt16 kQueryMaskOPCODE = 0x7800;
const UInt16 kQueryMaskAA = 0x0400;
const UInt16 kQueryMaskTC = 0x0200;
const UInt16 kQueryMaskRD = 0x0100;
const UInt16 kQueryMaskRA = 0x0080;
const UInt16 kQueryMaskRCODE = 0x000F;
// Default Column positions
const kDNSColumn1 = 4;
const kDNSColumn2 = 30;
const kDNSColumn3 = 36;
const kDNSColumn4 = 44;
const kDNSColumn5 = 66;
const kNSLookupText = 244; // resource ID for col pos